As teens and young adults begin their journey into adulthood, having the right tools and knowledge to navigate life’s challenges is essential. The Certificate in Life Skills 101 provides a practical and engaging way to learn the skills that matter most—whether it’s budgeting, investing, or even how to make a great first impression. Life doesn’t come with a manual, but this program is the next best thing!
Perfect for teenagers, young adults, and even parents looking to give their children an edge, this certificate covers the basics of everything from financial literacy to health and wellness. It’s not just about learning—it’s about preparing for the real world.
Your 15-course Certificate in Life Skills 101 will help you or your family member master key areas of life, such as:
- Why should I put savings aside?
- What are the basics of investing?
- Why should I have insurance?
- What are the basics of nutrition?
- How do I budget properly?
- What do I look for when buying a car?
- How can I plan for my retirement?
- How do I make a good first impression?
- What is digital currency?
- How do I stop smoking?
- How do I write a cover letter?
- How do I negotiate the best deal?
- How can I reduce my carbon footprint?
- What is a digital detox?
- How can I spot fake news?
Certificate in Life Skills 101
These 15 short and interactive courses are designed to equip today’s youth with the knowledge they need to make confident and informed decisions. Your purchase includes the following micro-courses from our Learning Bytes Library:
- 15 micro-courses to complete Certificate in Life Skills 101
- Upon completion, a personalized certificate of completion
You will have 30 days from your date of registration to complete your certificate program.